More than just a medical center, we have become an everyday resource for better health – delivering care to the community throughout the Salinas Valley and beyond.
Opening Doors of Opportunity to Future Healthcare Leaders
Hartnell College’s opening of the Center for Nursing and Health Sciences in Partnership with Salinas Valley Health represents a significant step forward in increasing education, training and employment opportunities for our future healthcare leaders. Funded with support from Salinas Valley Health, the Center features state-of-the-art classrooms, skills labs and simulation rooms that provide highly realistic training. That training, combined with the clinical rotations that Hartnell students complete at our medical center, is essential in opening doors of opportunity and filling a critical need for well-qualified healthcare staff familiar with our uniquely diverse community.
Increasing Access to Quality Care in South Monterey County
Since 2015, the Taylor Farms Family Health & Wellness Center in Gonzales has opened access to state-of-the-art care for thousands of people in South Monterey County. With bilingual staff and medical providers, the 26,400-square-foot Health & Wellness Center has helped bridge a vital communication gap. Family medicine, behavioral health services, diabetes care and other primary care services in this underserved area are helping improve the health and quality of life for families throughout the region.
Vaccination Clinics
Increasing access to vaccination opportunities for all population segments, Salinas Valley Health has built on its collaboration with the County of Monterey Health Department to deliver free flu and COVID vaccines to everyone interested. Nurses and staff from our medical center volunteer to support the annual health and well-being initiative. Hartnell College nursing students contribute their time to assist and community partners such as Palma School – a well-known and accessible location – host clinics. Moving beyond proactive protection, the vaccination clinics have grown to become shining examples of a community that works together to help individuals rise in good health.
Outreach That Sparks Motivation
With a firm belief that community well-being is the foundation of individual well-being, Salinas Valley Health’s robust offering of programs with meaningful opportunities for connection bring people together with outreach that sparks motivation.
Walk With A Doc
Walk With A Doc provides the community an opportunity to connect informally with health experts while engaging in healthy physical activity. Board-certified physicians and healthcare providers present on diabetes, heart disease, joint replacement and other health-related topics, and answer participants’ questions during and after the walk. The informal setting adds a new dimension to communication about life-impacting health concerns. The free events take place monthly with locations at Badger Hills Trailhead of Fort Ord National Monument and other outdoor venues. The worldwide Walk With A Doc is a nonprofit organization that started in 2005 and has since expanded across the world. Salinas Valley Health is the only registered chapter on the Central Coast.
Blood Drives
With a community that gives generously, Salinas Valley Health regularly hosts blood drives at its medical center. Appointments fill quickly each time a campaign is announced – from members of the public and Salinas Valley Health staff who donate regularly. With one pint saving up to three lives, donations received had the potential to save up to nearly 800 lives in the 2022-2023 timespan. Salinas Valley Health was built by the community, for the community. In our seven decades of service, we have expanded our outreach as we have found new and better ways to engage and support good health and well-being for everyone in our community.
Growing Good Health
The Salinas Valley Health Farmers’ Market, held in partnership with Everyone’s Harvest, is open on Friday afternoons May through November. Now entering its second decade, it continues to be a popular gathering spot for the community. Offering farm-fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, honey, a rainbow of flowers and delicious, prepared meals, the Salinas Valley Health Farmers’ Market is also a hub for the Fresh Produce Prescription Program, which provides eligible participants with vouchers to purchase local fresh fruits and vegetables.